You just don't get sunsets like that anywhere but here on the praire. I've seen beautiful ocean sunsets and mountain sunsets but nothing compares to what we have here. Clean air, wide open vistas and a scattering of just the right clouds. PERFECTION!!!
We went to Nebraska yesterday. I don't think I'd been anywhere since last year when we went to California. It was time to get out of Dodge. Amy and Kyra came with us and it was just a very enjoyable day. We left around 8 in the morning and was home by 10:30 that night. We saw Steve's sister in Omaha and his brother in Norfolk. Unfortunately we didn't call ahead. Not a way to makeit into the Who's Who of Miss Manners. Hopefully we didn't bother anyone too much. We had a great time and plan on doing it again. Only next time we'll call. We spent alot of time in the car, but when you spend it with the people you love it's very nice. The sunset picture was taken on Highway 81 from Norfolk NE to South Dakota. I keep saying this but I have to keep practicing taking pictures. I want to consistently take good pictures and know what I'm doing. I want to know what to set all the setting to for great pictures under all kinds of conditions. Someday.
I jogged again on the treadmill. I am going to work up to at least 5 minutes. I ate what I should have ate today. I was a good little WWer today. Something's gotta give at some point and I'll start losing weight at a regular pace.
Kirby and Kyler started swimming lessons today. I was so impressed. They are ones who never get their faces in the water. They did today. Let's hear a round of applause for them, because the look on their faces this morning when they got in the pool, well lets say they were hoping for alien abduction. And guess what? They're going back tomorrow. Woohoo.
Steve's on vacation this week. I made him a honey do list for today. He actually did quite a bit of it. He might have got more done if he hadn't gone and sat downstairs every time I left today. Tomorrow we're painting the spare bedroom. We've only had the paint for over a year. We don't like to rush into anything.
Must go and make my honey do list for tomorrow. Goodnight all!!