Tuesday, July 24, 2007

That time already??

Do not hit enter everytime you want to move down the page. I'm the worst offender of that and im'ing Amy has really proved that. Let's see what has happened in July so far. Three birthdays and the 4th of July all in one week. Steve's brother Bill came from Norfolk Ne to help his dad. Bill and Lori cooked a bunch of meals for them to put in the freezer. The weather has been hot and humid and no rain. The lawns are brown and my flowers are sad. But otherwise really not much has happened this month. Grady just keeps getting bigger and in more trouble. In fact I'd better check on him now. Maybe I'll post again tonight.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I figured out how to change the banner on my blog. All by myself, I might add. Of course I used a premade banner from Shabby Princess but hey a girl has to start somewhere.
Well summer is more than half over. Time to get serious about all the things I wanted to get accomplished. Check - lose weight nope! Check - cook more Nope again. Check - read more books - I'm reading one now does that count. Check - have fun and be lazy. O yeah I've got that one down. Starting Monday it's the new and improved me. Going to get real serious about the losing weight. I'm thoroughly disgusted with myself. You know that feeling when even your skin doesn't fit right and your own bumps and bulges are getting in the way. I really know how those 600 lb people get that way. You can easily get to a point where the only thing that is easy to do is just to sit and eat. Everything else takes too much energy. My biggest challenge is going to be exercising. I seem to have developed a hip issue that really bothers me if I over do it. I know that losing weight will help that, but its hard to want to exercise if you know its going to hurt later. Hopefully Monday, Amy and I will get out and walk around the school again and Steve and Grady and I will get out again in the evening and walk around our block. It's a fair sized block and its uphill half of the way. My goal this weekend is to layout out my menus and buy groceries.

That's enough about that. It's been a fun week. Kyra and Haley's birthdays, a quiet 4th of July and lunch at the mall with Amy and the kids. Kyler's birthday is Monday. Summer singer has its last week of practice and it's last concert. I have a hair cut on Thursday. After that I have some relatively quiet weeks. Hopefully I can get some projects done. I've really been in a groove with scrapbooking this week. I hope it continues, but allows me to get other things done too. I tend to be an all or nothing girl.

Grady has been a little terror this week. He is starting to get into things. He chewed up 2 CD's. He loves books and papers. We really didn't puppy proof the house. Silly us!!! Over all though, he's a good puppy. He's very smart and seems to catch on quickly. He knows our schedule. Every morning while Steve is getting ready for work. Grady and I lay on the bed and talk to him while he's dressing. So today at 7 something Grady starts barking at the bed. Excuse me dog but it's Saturday. He also thinks Steve should get at 7 every day. Bark, bark bark. Grady could be a good thing for us, as sleeping in can't be good.

Well must get ready for the day. Kirby has a ball game at 9. I'd love to see his team win this mini tournament but that would mean playing all day. It's supposed to be 90 some degrees. Yuck.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Good Sunday Morning Trouble Dog

Back again so soon. Twice in one week. Whoa!!

It is such a beautiful morning. We have had the most amazing summer weather. Most days are warm and the evenings and mornings are just delightful. Today and tomorrow they are promising to bring back the heat and humidity but by the middle of the week it should be milder again.

Grady is really a very good puppy, but he is most definitely a puppy. His favorite thing to do in the morning is to go into our closet and take Steve's shoes out to the living room. He then tosses them all around and chews on them. We've yet to see a tooth mark on any though. Yesterday morning he had five shoes out. It's really quite cute but needs to stop before he starts that puppy teething. His other favorite thing is chewing on baskets. I have quite a few baskets around. I put magazines in them, yarn, dog toys, potatoes, whatever. Quite handy little things until you have a puppy. I now have baskets up on top of TV's, chairs whatever. One basket in particular that's in my den is his favorite. He's chewed off most of the handle. (It was broke anyway.) It's full of magazines and not that easy to move so I bought some bitter spray. This morning I'm in here playing on the computer and he starts chewing on the basket. Ah ha I remember I have that bitter spray. I come back with the spray and start spraying the basket and the magazines in it. He goes nuts. He really wants that basket now. I'm like "wait until you taste it dude." I put that basket down and sure enought he goes over to it. But instead of backing away he starts licking it all over. Stupid dog likes the taste of bitter spray. Wouldn't you know. Allergic to his shots and likes bitter spray. I really know how to pick them.

I spent all day over at Scott's yesterday. It was a good day. The girls played really well and Will was very good. Kyra came over later to watch the kids after Will went to bed. She brought a bunch of things from her room. She's been cleaning. They had a makeover. We have next weekend off. Yeah. Hopefully we can get more things accomplished.