So I've been organizing away in AcDsee with all my scrapbooking things. I'm almost done, just have to do the w's. Last night of course we had severe weather in our area. I have been so afraid of losing my computer and EHD that I've become quite paranoid about it all. So after the first crack of thunder, I decided that I would shut everything down and unplug everything. Great! The weather wasn't that bad here but I spent the night reading a book anyway and didn't turn anything back on. This morning I decided to do a scrapbook page and went into acdsee and was pulling papers and elements. BUT when I went to put them in photoshop not all of them would go there. Amy said it was because some weren't in the folder that they should have been. Like I had moved them or something. Well I knew I hadn't moved them so there had to be another reason. I'm trying this and that and finally realize that my EHD isn't working. It has power but my computer wasn't reading it. Hmmm. So I call Amy. I'm sure my EHD has died and I'm complaining about how I spent all that time organizing and it was all in vain. Then lo and behold I look at my computer. What is that? Well that my dear is the USB thats not plugged into your computer. And guess again. Yep when I plugged it in my EHD worked. Will wonders never cease. I tell you this old age thing is not all its cracked up to be. Actually I don't really think it has anything to do with age but it works well for an excuse.
Yesterday was a dreary, drizzly day. One of those days that just calls for curling up and reading a book. I did just that. I finally finished Friday Night Knitting Club. I wasn't sure I was going to finish it since I peeked ahead at one point when I was getting bored with it and knew how it was going to end. But my better judgement won out and I finished the book. I am glad that I did. Even though I knew what was going to happen and all, I was glad to read about the relationships of the characters at the end. I hope that proves to be a lesson for me. I often peek ahead if a book is starting to bore me. Maybe now I'll either not peek ahead or read on anyway.
Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining and it is 70 degrees at noon. Bring on more of these kinds of days. I probably should go and do some weeding but I think it is still too muddy and getting muddy isn't on my agenda. Actually I put nothing on my agenda for today. I'm taking a day off and doing whatever comes to mind. I should do a little housework. I watch Scotts kids all day tomorrow so I won't get anything done tomorrow.
Well off to try that scrapbook page again. Maybe I can get it done and have something to show tomorrow. Yeah right!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Cold Night for Baseball
Last night we spent 2 and a half hours sitting at baseball games. Can we say Brrrr? I'm not sure baseball was meant to be played when the fans are sitting bundled up in coats and blankets. Baseball should be played in warm weather right? Amy and I went to Kylers game. Then we trekked across town to watch the tail end of Kirby's game. There must be some overachieving dads at that game because when we got there it was already getting dark and it was definitely cold. So when the game should be done, the coaches got together and decided to play another inning. Are you guys crazy? We're freezing out here!!
We woke up to a little thunder and rain this morning. There were puddles in my backyard. Another day of wiping off the dog's feet. They are talking severe storms this evening. I love a good thunderstorm, but with all the tragic storms around the area lately I'm not so sure I want severe weather.
Amy and I are going out for lunch today. I think we're going to Sanaa's. I've been there before but Amy hasn't. It's in the same area as some of the local art stores so I'm sure we'll check out at least one.
Well I must say my list thing is working out quite well. Who knew that just making a list could be so freeing. I put manageable things to do on my list and then when I'm done with the list for the day I'm done. No more worrying about "Oh maybe I should be doing this or that" I can just put those things on the list for another day. I know the rest of the world has been using this technique for quite awhile, but I has been quite a revelation for me.
Dieting is not going quite as well as it should. But I am trying to eat better and we haven't had fast food for over a week, so that is an accomplishment in itself. Babysteps.
Well should head for the shower and get some of my list items for today done.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Haircut, a few scrapping stores and neighborhood coffee.
Yesterday was a relatively busy day for me. Normally I don't schedule much in my days, I like the casualness of doing nothing. It means I'm always ready for more impromptu nothingness. I started off the day with doing some of the chores on my list. I know, I know, can you believe I actually made a list and then did the things on the list. It worked so well that I'm trying it again today. I had an 11:00 hair appt. It is always nice to refresh the look with a cut and color. At the end of my appointment, Amy and the boys came in for the boys's haircuts. After much bribing with a trip to the pet store and a new webkinz, they were very good this time. While they were getting their haircuts, Amy and I discussed going to a few local scrapbook stores. I was hoping to score some new adhesive and some refills for my xyrons. We went to a new store for me, Scatterjoy. What a nice little place that was. The lady behind the counter was super friendly, just that nice grandmotherly person who you could probably sit and have a cup of tea with anytime. I love local stores!!! I frequent the local yarn stores and come away with that same feeling. As much as I love Walmart for all its Walmartiness, you just don't get that warm cozy feeling there. Anyway I bought a few items for this album I'm making for Hannah and a couple of new albums that I have ideas for. I was never a paper scrapper. Oh every once in awhile my daughter would get me interested and I would purchase some things. But when it came to actually doing it I never really got into it. Then a couple of years ago she introduced me to digital scrapping. All the fun but no mess. While I haven't made oodles of albums and things it is something that I enjoy. But going into that scrapbook store really made me want to paper scrap. I don't have the space for paper scrapping, and I definitely don't need to start a new craft, but oh there's that yearning. I have always loved crafts and taking nothings and making something out of it. So thank goodness for hybrid. It gives you a little of both.
Last night was neighborhood coffee and Pat's house. Her house is decorated so cute. She had just redone her kitchen and I joked about when we were going to exchange houses. It was a very nice evening. Eight of the nine were there, Cheri had just returned from Hawaii and wasn't there. It's kinda surprising that 8 women can get together and talk about a myriad of subjects and leave 3 hours later still friends. Someday I must bring my camera and take pictures of our group. We've already lost 3 members, 2 due to death. Anyway I did really good on my diet yesterday until then. And even then I didn't do too bad at first. She had angel food cake with strawberries, meat and cheese and crackers. Not bad choices. I took the cake and strawberries and a couple pieces of cheese and a couple of meat and a couple crackers. So far so good. Then we sat at the table. She put the meat and cheese on the table along with the nuts and crackers. Well what do you do when you linger and talk at the table with munchies still on the table. Why you continue to eat. Probably 400 calories later and 10:30 at night we finally said good-bye. Now of course thanks to eating so late at night, I am starving this morning. It is going to be a real challenge to stay the course today.
Well I'm off to conquer my list and spend some time scrapping. Long live summer vacation.
Last night was neighborhood coffee and Pat's house. Her house is decorated so cute. She had just redone her kitchen and I joked about when we were going to exchange houses. It was a very nice evening. Eight of the nine were there, Cheri had just returned from Hawaii and wasn't there. It's kinda surprising that 8 women can get together and talk about a myriad of subjects and leave 3 hours later still friends. Someday I must bring my camera and take pictures of our group. We've already lost 3 members, 2 due to death. Anyway I did really good on my diet yesterday until then. And even then I didn't do too bad at first. She had angel food cake with strawberries, meat and cheese and crackers. Not bad choices. I took the cake and strawberries and a couple pieces of cheese and a couple of meat and a couple crackers. So far so good. Then we sat at the table. She put the meat and cheese on the table along with the nuts and crackers. Well what do you do when you linger and talk at the table with munchies still on the table. Why you continue to eat. Probably 400 calories later and 10:30 at night we finally said good-bye. Now of course thanks to eating so late at night, I am starving this morning. It is going to be a real challenge to stay the course today.
Well I'm off to conquer my list and spend some time scrapping. Long live summer vacation.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Here it is the 27th of May and my furnace kicked in. I remember many a May when we were running the air conditioning alot by now. What a odd year! The sad thing is I can decide if I should let the furnace run or turn it off and shiver. Yesterday was beautiful. We worked outside for some of the day. Steve mowed and applied fertilizer and weed killer. We bought 12 bags of mulch. To be put on the flower beds at a later date of course. We're not ones to get everything done in one day. I planted my flowers in pots and we bought two rocker gliders and a table for the front deck. Over all it was a productive day for us.
I worked on a tag album for Hannah. It is pictures from her birthday party. I thought it might be a nice little keepsake to help her remember her 7th birthday. But let me tell you I have glue issues. You know those little xyron glue runner things. I have a bigger one that I love, but when I put in a new cartridge I accidently ran it backwards. A definite no no evidently. I now need a new cartridge. So I thought I'd use the smaller one. Works fine except that after 3 small tags worth it was out of glue. It was a brand new cartridge too. Really can they only have that much glue in them. Are you supposed to only barely use them? So I think I need to find a new system that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg and is dummy proof. I really like all the hybrid options but I don't want to go broke buying glue. Enough of the rant.
On to dieting. It's not happening. Today is a new start again. I know I need to do it, but somehow that isn't getting through to the "lets put food in the mouth part of the brain." So today I am recommiting to Weight Watchers and healthy living. Last time I did WW's' I did all the gimmicks. The pumpkin pudding, all the fake food. I'm not saying that I won't succumb to that this time too, but I am going to try and eat healthy whole foods. So my goal this week is to stick to the plan, follow it as strictly as possible. Maybe if I only set a goal a week, I can do a better job. This week I am only going to worry about eating within my points and making healthy choices. I'll worry about exercise later. Sometimes I think I try to do it all the first day and burn out. Slow but sure wins the race right? I have a hair appt this noon and afterwards I am going to stop at the store and buy veggies. Hopefully the prices won't scare me away.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Hannah

It's nice that Scott and Wendy invite all the relatives and the neighbors. It gives the kids a sense of community. You know that old it takes a village thing. After all the festivities, the adults hang around in the garage and talk and the kids go out back and play. What is absolutely amazing is that with my 6 grandchildren and all their different personalities, there is hardly ever any fighting or bickering. They spend alot of time together too since Amy watches Scotts kids during the day. Somehow they have established roles within theirselves that work. I just hope that I haven't now jinxed them and all they'll do this summer is squabble.
It appears to be a beautiful day today. I have lots on the agenda. A little house work, alot of yard work and maybe a start on cleaning out the garage. Wouldn't that be something.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Where's the heat?
Here it is the 23rd of May and it's down right chilly and windy. I'm really tired of the wind. It seems like when its cold, it's windy. But let it get to be 90 degrees and humid and then the air is as still as still can be. I know it could be worse but I'm tired of it.
We don't have Scotts kids today. So of course the weather is crappy and there's a ton of things to do outside. I'm hoping that it calms down a little this afternoon and we can get some things done. I can't believe it's Memorial day weekend already. School's been out for a week for the kids but it doesn't seem right. Though I did see a couple of girls wrapped in towels walking home yesterday from the pool. All I could think of was brr, the pool's open? It was 57 degrees yesterday.
So what have I been doing in the last month. Not much really, hence the no blogging. You have to have a life to write about one. Amy and I went shopping on Thursday and had lunch at Paneras. Good place to eat. Our goal is to try and get out on a regular basis and go to a place that at least one of us has never been to before. I had been to Paneras but Amy hadn't. Next place I want to go is to Sanaas. It is a local Mediterrianan restuarant with all healthy and natural foods. We talked about going to the farmers market today. Maybe we can work lunch into that too. Sanaas and the farmers market are in the same little shopping area. If not today then definitely another day.
Tomorrow is Hannah's 7th birthday. Wow I can't believe my little Hannah is going to be 7. She is my cuddler grandchild. Always quick with the hugs and definitely a grandmas girl. It'll be sad when the day comes and she doesn't want to sit on my lap and give hugs. Unfortunately that day is coming fast I'm afraid. Speaking of coming fast Kyra is now a freshman in high school. The next four years will fly by. Can we put this tape in slo-mo please.
Lets see what else is new. I cooked last night. Thats probably something I haven't done in a month. I made a pasta salad. Just your typical macaroni and pea salad, but it was extra good. I added a little of this and a little of that. Used these really cute mini bow tie pastas. It was either really good or we just haven't had any homecooked food for so long that anything would have tasted terffic.
On the Grady front he is getting better. His craziness is less and less. He still steals things from the sink and likes to shred paper. Probably the worst is the mud. Our yard has lots of dirt thanks to this big tree in the middle that has killed some of the grass. Well since it has been raining alot lately we have alot of mud. What do goldens like better than anything. Water and mud. Even when he just goes out to pee it seems he has to walk through some of the mud. I thought he was good this morning but no, there is mud tracks all over my living room carpet. I really had thought we could clean carpets this weekend too, but not if it is still muddy. Sooner or later it has to dry up right?
Well I should have titled this the whiner blog. It seems like all I did was complain about something. I'll have to try better in the future.
We don't have Scotts kids today. So of course the weather is crappy and there's a ton of things to do outside. I'm hoping that it calms down a little this afternoon and we can get some things done. I can't believe it's Memorial day weekend already. School's been out for a week for the kids but it doesn't seem right. Though I did see a couple of girls wrapped in towels walking home yesterday from the pool. All I could think of was brr, the pool's open? It was 57 degrees yesterday.
So what have I been doing in the last month. Not much really, hence the no blogging. You have to have a life to write about one. Amy and I went shopping on Thursday and had lunch at Paneras. Good place to eat. Our goal is to try and get out on a regular basis and go to a place that at least one of us has never been to before. I had been to Paneras but Amy hadn't. Next place I want to go is to Sanaas. It is a local Mediterrianan restuarant with all healthy and natural foods. We talked about going to the farmers market today. Maybe we can work lunch into that too. Sanaas and the farmers market are in the same little shopping area. If not today then definitely another day.
Tomorrow is Hannah's 7th birthday. Wow I can't believe my little Hannah is going to be 7. She is my cuddler grandchild. Always quick with the hugs and definitely a grandmas girl. It'll be sad when the day comes and she doesn't want to sit on my lap and give hugs. Unfortunately that day is coming fast I'm afraid. Speaking of coming fast Kyra is now a freshman in high school. The next four years will fly by. Can we put this tape in slo-mo please.
Lets see what else is new. I cooked last night. Thats probably something I haven't done in a month. I made a pasta salad. Just your typical macaroni and pea salad, but it was extra good. I added a little of this and a little of that. Used these really cute mini bow tie pastas. It was either really good or we just haven't had any homecooked food for so long that anything would have tasted terffic.
On the Grady front he is getting better. His craziness is less and less. He still steals things from the sink and likes to shred paper. Probably the worst is the mud. Our yard has lots of dirt thanks to this big tree in the middle that has killed some of the grass. Well since it has been raining alot lately we have alot of mud. What do goldens like better than anything. Water and mud. Even when he just goes out to pee it seems he has to walk through some of the mud. I thought he was good this morning but no, there is mud tracks all over my living room carpet. I really had thought we could clean carpets this weekend too, but not if it is still muddy. Sooner or later it has to dry up right?
Well I should have titled this the whiner blog. It seems like all I did was complain about something. I'll have to try better in the future.
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