Well it's now only 23 days until Christmas. Wow did it sneak up this year! Just when I think I have everything under control little bits of panic creep up and I think "oh there's so much that I want to do and not enough time to do it all. Of course I've always been one who thinks she has to do it all - make presents, decorate everything, bake and buy the perfect gifts. I don't know where this came from because I think my mother wasn't like that. Oh, she sewed clothes for me for Christmas but that was more out of necessity than desire. She was a good cook but we didn't have tons of homemade cookies and goodies. She didn't do crafts. She mostly cleaned. So I really don't know where my desire to have a Norman Rockwell Christmas came from. When I was a stay at home mom I really enjoyed all that because I had the time. Now I work full time and just can't do it all. Somehow though I think I still should so there comes the stress. For the past few years I've tried hard to just enjoy everything about the holiday. This year I've vowed to keep it simpler. We'll see how that goes.
I signed up for an online class called Journal Your Christmas. I hope it will be more fun and not alot of work. Of course tonight as I was doing the first assignment I had glue issues. This could be why I never became a paper scrapper. Those simple basic things like cutting and gluing are the most stressful for me. Do you suppose it's because I only had 6 weeks of kindergarten? Haha. Amy I might be coming to your house after school for scrapping help.
We went to the mall with the kids from school today. First we go to Sertoma for pizza and a visit with Santa and then off to the mall. It always puts me in the Christmas mood and today was no exception. Now if we could just get a little snow every now and then that would be good.
Well I have to get Kyra off to school by 7 AM tomorrow so I better crawl into bed.