I love summer!!! When you work for a school system you have three glorious months of freedom. And this first week the possibilities seem endless. Take today. I designed my 1st ever digital scrapbook page all by myself. My daughter came over last night and showed me a few things in Adobe. Today I tried it on my own. After a few calls. "Hey Amy! Control what does what?" I made a page. Amy came over later this afternoon and touched a few things up, but basically it's my page. For someone who said, "No I don't need anymore hobbies!", I sure seem to be addicted.
Ten reasons why I love summer:
1. I can see my grandkids everyday.
2. I have a whole day to learn something new. Yeah digital scrapbooking.
3. Grilling
4. Taking Haley and Hannah to the library and reading Hannah's books to them.
5. Going to the park.
6. Staying up past 8:30.
7. No plans for the day. The days are all mine.
8. Not having to worry about what to wear.
9. Reading all the books I've bought, but can't stay awake long enough to read during the rest of the year.
10.Sitting at Kirby's baseball games on hot summer nights.
I could print 10 reasons why I don't like summer, but why ruin a perfectly good mood. Next week I start taking Kyra to Summer Singers. At the end of the week is Steve's family reunion. We all haven't been together since Scott's wedding nine years ago. Seven great grandchildren later and Great grandma has Alzheimer's. It should be a bittersweet weekend.
I know I should give credit for the scrapbook kit, but I'm afraid if I go to find the file, I'll lose my blog post. If by chance whoever designed the papers and things, sees this, thank you. You have a new customer.
Summer afternoon - Summer afternoon... the two most beautiful words in the English language.
Henry James
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