It's another cloudy rainy day with a chance of severe weather this afternoon. I'm sure we have had other years like this but this is becoming tiresome. Not that I want it to go from this to 90 degrees and hot and dry either. I would like just a week or so of nice and dry weather. A week or 2 where I don't have to wipe off Grady's feet every time he comes in.
We went to Kirby's game last night. It started out cloudy and cool, like its been for most of the games it seems. After about 2 innings it started to sprinkle and then it started to rain, lightly mind you but rain none the less. What is it about sports and kids sports in particular that they think they have to play no matter what the conditions are? I have sat through soccer games when it was snowing. I have sat through baseball games that felt like a hurricane. I have sat through both soccer and baseball games where it was so hot and humid that breathing was an effort. But the game must go on. I understand professionals playing in bad weather, heck they get paid to and there are advertisers to deal with. But kids sports come on. Anyway they finally did call the game. Some one had the good sense to say there was lightning or somet
hing and they ended all the games.
After taking Kyra and Haley to summer singers yesterday, I took Hannah to the mall for her day. For the kids's birthdays I've started taking them shopping as part of their present. They can pick out things they want and I get to enjoy shopping with them a win-win deal all the way around.
So yesterday Hannah and I went to the mall and started the day with Burger King for lunch. She ordered a chicken nuggets kid meal and I got a sandwich. Part way through the meal I ask her "How are your chicken nuggets?" She gave me an answer I wasn't quite expecting. " Good. Why wouldn't they be?" UH OK maybe that was a STUPID question. She said too "Well I had them before and liked them." Gotcha. Hannah is very matter of fact about things. She is probably my most serious grandchild and doesn't always get the little nuances of things. Not to say she doesn't have a sense of humor, she does. Anyway we had a good time and she scored quite a few new clothes items and a couple of webkinz and her Ivy and Beanie book. It was a good day and fun was had by all.
Today should be a relatively quiet day. I just have to pick up Haley and take her to summer singers and take Kyra home. Then go back in about an hour and take Haley home. Then the rest of the day is mine. I should pick up around here and do another load of laundry. I'm sure I'll spend some of the day reading my book. It is so good and it definitely needs finishing. It's the Kite Runner that I started months ago and put down for awhile. Next I need to read a Patricia Cornwell book I checked out from the library and then it's off to the land of Jodi Picoult.
Well I think I'll play a game of Zuma and start my day.
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