Monday, August 18, 2008
1st day recap
The first day went as well as can be expected. It is designed not to be a normal day in the first place. I always remembered school as just starting. Going to classes or having all my subjects that first day. But maybe we had assemblies and activities that were only for the first day too. I think too that it is a middle school thing. Try and make everyone feel welcome and get an idea of how the schedule thing works. I think for alot of kids it is a good thing, but our kids could use a stricter schedule and a just plain normal school day. But it went fairly well, better than some years anyway. We only have 19 kids this year, down from 33 last year, so most of the day I kept thinking where are all the other kids. Woops this is all the other kids. Those 19 are some doozies though. I've never seen a group of 6th graders that are such wanderers. Hard to keep track of them when they all go in different directions. And we have one little girl who is definitely opositional defiant. Not necessarily confrontational but more a just stand there and not do what is expected of her. Hopefully we can get her turned around fairly quickly. The sixth graders consist of the oppositional defiant one, a downs, an austistic one, two are non-verbal and one with md in a wheelchair. It may seem like we have all 33 at times with that mix. We got a call from Roosevelt this morning. They were already having problems with my little Bernini. Seems she plopped herself down in the hall on her tummy and wouldnt' move. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise. We put up with that for 3 years and only had slight success with her. It will be interesting to see if high school can do something with her or if they will ship her off to an alternative site.
The cutest thing this morning, and I wish I had had my camera handy, was Will. Kyra and I were leaving for school when Scott came so we stayed an extra minute to say hi to Hannah and Will. Well wouldn't you know it Will came ready for school too. Here he comes walking down the sidewalk with his backpack (with wheels no less). It's a Diego back pack and he has new Diego shoes and a new Diego shirt. What a smart mom he has for getting him ready for school since now it will only be he and Amy and things could be kind of lonesome for him. If he wasn't the cutest little student you ever saw I don't know what was. I wish I could just freeze him at this age for an extra year or two. He is just so blame cute.
Well I haven't blogged much because the Olympics are just so good that I haven't wanted to be at the computer in the evening. It is going to be sad television when it is over. And with that I think I will go and watch tonights events.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me
Birthdays are strange things. I really truly believe that every day is a celebration of life and that one day isn't anymore important than the next. I truly try to appreciate every day and every moment but I don't think I celebrate near enough. And when it comes to birthdays I definitely have mixed emotions. On one hand I don't want any big doings and would like to just make my birthday like any other day. But then something happens like today. We all went out to lunch today at a Mexican restaurant. Most of the people I work with knew it was my birthday but this one teacher didn't realize it until the end of the meal. So when she went up to pay her bill she told them it was my birthday. Pretty soon the owner of the restaurant came over with a big plate of fried ice cream and gave me a kiss on the cheek and wished me a happy birthday. You know it was pretty nice to have my birthday recognized. It made the day feel special. Now isn't that what a birthday is supposed to be. Remember when we were kids and birthdays were big deals. For that one day we felt like the most important person on the planet. I've decided that we shouldn't give that feeling up once we become adults. If anything it's more important that we feel special for at least that one day out of the year. As adults we shoulder all the weight of the world and for one day we should get the royal treatment. Isn't it amazing what one simple act can do? An act that I wouldn't have done for someone for fear of embarrassing them because I thought I would be embarrassed if that happened to me. Well I wasn't. And I'm going to remember that and try to do a better job of celebrating moments whether they're birthday moments or just plain because moments.
Well one more day of inservice. I'm always glad to get to the school part of school. As nice as it is to have days we can go out to eat and work in our rooms, I miss having the kids around. At the inservice today the speaker (who was totally awesome) said you have jobs, then careers and then if you're lucky you have a calling. Well school for me is definitely a calling. I know I would do it for free most days. And I can't imagine doing anything else. Of course that's probably not what I say come about March, but deep down it's still there and that's what counts.
I'm still enjoying the Olympics and wish I could stay up past 9:30 to see it all. When am I going to hit that age where I don't need so much sleep. You know they say that as you get older you don't need as much sleep, well I must not be that old yet.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Good bye Sweet Summer Freedom
Have you been watching the Olympics? They have been some good tv watching. Too bad I can't stay awake past 9 lately. I did wake up to see the mens gymnastics team win the bronze. That was cool. And Michael Phelps and his swimming. He didn't even feel well last night and he still broke a world record. They are all so inspiring. And then there is the little bits and pieces they do about China. It's really quite educational.
Boy did it rain last night. They said we had about an inch and a half. Everything is so green and nice. Quite different than it has been in years past.
Guess it's time to hit the shower and get a few things done.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Farmers Market Time Again
Did you watch the opening ceremonies for the Olympics last night? If you missed it, you missed something. The pagentry and the special effects were amazing. I wish I could have been there in person, though television does a spectactular job. Even though the marching in of all the countries was a little boring, it was fun to see all the countries and athletes. I hadn't even heard of some of the countries. It truly is an amazing experience when you think about it. All those athletes who spend their lives working to just to get to the Olympics and some of them have no support from their countries. It should inspire all of us.
Well I watch the kids again today and then I think I have a few weeks off. I haven't been a very exciting babysitter these last few weeks. I think it has to do with doing it so much. The kids and I are both getting burned out. Today Amy and I talked about taking the kids to a movie, The Journey to the Center of the Earth. Hopefully the girls want to go. It will help pass the time. Maybe after that we can go to the splash park for awhile with Will. It's supposed to be 87 today so that sounds like a good plan. And then if there are any good Olympics events on this evening maybe we can watch them. When Scott and Amy were young we used to look forward to watching the events together..
Guess I better go and talk to the hubby for awhile.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
A Plunger in the Kitchen Sink - Not a Good Sign!
Last we night we decided to go for a ride. Steve said to refill my tea glass to take along. Well when I went into the kitchen I noticed the sink was not draining. Since the portable dishwasher empties into the sink, it is kind of important that it drains. I can't imagine what we would have come home to if I hadn't gone to refill my tea glass. So before we go on our ride Steve pours drain cleaner in and we leave. We come home and the water has drained out so Steve decides to plunge it to hopefully get the clog to release. Long story short - no such luck. The sinks were filled with water now and they were not draining. To snake them out they have to drain first. Seems like a simple enough thing right. Well at 7 this morning the water still wasn't completely out. Even by 2 when I left the house there was still water in the sink. Nice. By the time Steve gets home around 5 the water has drained and he can snake it out. Lets just say that when I hear some not so encouraging words coming from my hard working husband, I can only assume that after he snaked it,it still doesn't drain. After a call to Ace to see if they have a longer snake, we are now in the process of snaking further down the pipe. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. We've never had to have a plumber Steve has always been able to take care of these things. Hate to have to break the trend now.
I went to coffee at an old neighbors house today. Even though she only lives a few houses up the street from me I haven't really seen her in years. She sticks pretty close to home and has had to knee replacements ( which I didn't know about until recently). She was the one who got me to apply to work at the school. She had Bonnie and Vicki and me over to meet one of our new neighbors who has lived in the neighborhood for almost a year. Isn't that a sad state of affairs? It takes a year to meet a new neighbor. When we first moved into this neighborhood, everybody knew everybody. Now I think it's a sign of the times, a person doesn't know all their neighbors. And I know that I for one don't always go out of my way to meet the new people either. This new person is young with a 1 year old daughter. She works as a Reading Recovery teacher part time and a realtor part time. She seems really nice and I hope we get to know her better. It was definitely fun talking with all the old neighbors and reminiscing about people who used to live in the "hood".
Well I think I hear water running in the kitchen. Hopefully that means good news.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
I Like Summer Vacation
Monday, August 04, 2008
Three, Three Posts in One
Steve is home today and tomorrow. I hope we can work on the laundry room. It needs some major dejunking. I started a little bit last week but I need Steve to help haul it all out. No sense in sorting it all out if some of it doesn't get hauled to Goodwill.
Guess that is about it for now. Need to get dressed and get busy.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Goodbye July, Hello August
I cleaned my kitchen today. I took out the steam cleaner and cleaned the top of my stove and my cupboards and countertops. I rearranged a few things and that always makes it look better even if it is just moving things around. What I wouldn't give for a bigger kitchen. No matter what I do, my kitchen always looks cluttered. If even one tiny little thing is on the table or laying around it looks like my kitchen is a mess. Unfortunately I like kitchen things and cookbooks. Sooo, my kitchen is always in a state of clutter. I go over to Scott and Wendy's and just drool over the amount of cupboards and counter space. The things I could do with all that space. But alas, the best I can hope for is someday to remodel. Right now my main dream is to have an exhaust fan. From all those years of smoking, whenever I fry or cook something over high heat the fumes and smoke make it so I can hardly breathe.
Poor Amy!!!! Tuesday she started having back pains. She could hardly walk and sitting for any length of time was out of the question. Wednesday she was worse. Thursday we wanted to go out to eat and hit stores downtown. Well we went out to eat at Sanaa's and hit Zandbros. And that was all she wrote. She went home and called the doctor and got in. They gave her 3 meds. This morning her back was somewhat better; she could move easier anyway, but after she took her meds she got nauseated and sick to her stomach. Poor girl. I ended up taking Kyra to her practice and picking her up because Amy didn't think she could drive that far. Hope she's better tomorrow. Kyra has her concert at 4:oo.
Tomorrow is the Farmer's Market again. I don't need much produce but I want to buy some flowers. I've been drooling over the flowers for weeks now but didn't buy any because I didn't have a big enough vase. Amy bought me one earlier this week so now I'm ready. I watch the kids tomorrow from 12-9. Realitively short day. I'll probably take Hannah and maybe Will to Kyra's performance in the afternoon. Haley has a slumber party so it will be just Hannah and Will and I. Not sure what we'll do all day. I should come up with something for Hannah and I to do while Will naps. At the moment I can't think of anything good. Grandma Bakker always does craft things so I don't want to steal her thunder. Maybe I can teach Hannah a card game.
That's about it for tonight.