Monday, August 18, 2008

1st day recap

No matter how many years I have been going back to school, I still get nervous that first day. You wouldn't think a 57 year old would still get those jitters but I do. I wonder how many kids know that teachers have the same feelings as they do. If they did, they probably don't believe it anyway.

The first day went as well as can be expected. It is designed not to be a normal day in the first place. I always remembered school as just starting. Going to classes or having all my subjects that first day. But maybe we had assemblies and activities that were only for the first day too. I think too that it is a middle school thing. Try and make everyone feel welcome and get an idea of how the schedule thing works. I think for alot of kids it is a good thing, but our kids could use a stricter schedule and a just plain normal school day. But it went fairly well, better than some years anyway. We only have 19 kids this year, down from 33 last year, so most of the day I kept thinking where are all the other kids. Woops this is all the other kids. Those 19 are some doozies though. I've never seen a group of 6th graders that are such wanderers. Hard to keep track of them when they all go in different directions. And we have one little girl who is definitely opositional defiant. Not necessarily confrontational but more a just stand there and not do what is expected of her. Hopefully we can get her turned around fairly quickly. The sixth graders consist of the oppositional defiant one, a downs, an austistic one, two are non-verbal and one with md in a wheelchair. It may seem like we have all 33 at times with that mix. We got a call from Roosevelt this morning. They were already having problems with my little Bernini. Seems she plopped herself down in the hall on her tummy and wouldnt' move. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise. We put up with that for 3 years and only had slight success with her. It will be interesting to see if high school can do something with her or if they will ship her off to an alternative site.

The cutest thing this morning, and I wish I had had my camera handy, was Will. Kyra and I were leaving for school when Scott came so we stayed an extra minute to say hi to Hannah and Will. Well wouldn't you know it Will came ready for school too. Here he comes walking down the sidewalk with his backpack (with wheels no less). It's a Diego back pack and he has new Diego shoes and a new Diego shirt. What a smart mom he has for getting him ready for school since now it will only be he and Amy and things could be kind of lonesome for him. If he wasn't the cutest little student you ever saw I don't know what was. I wish I could just freeze him at this age for an extra year or two. He is just so blame cute.

Well I haven't blogged much because the Olympics are just so good that I haven't wanted to be at the computer in the evening. It is going to be sad television when it is over. And with that I think I will go and watch tonights events.

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