Well it's the first of September. I didn't do to well blogging in August. I think the summer
lazies hit me because I really didn't accomplish too much the whole month. So here it is the first of September and a chance to do better in all things. School has been in session for 2 weeks now so I should have a routine in place. Blogging hasn't been a part of it but I hope to remedy that in September.
How can one weekend go by so fast? Friday actually seems a long time ago but the fact that tomorrow is Tuesday doesn't seem possible either. So what did I do with my 4 days off you ask? Well Friday I felt just wasted. I had been fighting a bug all week and by Friday it had the better of me. I think I finally relaxed and it hit with a bang because I had absolutely no energy all day. Hence I didn't get much done. Saturday we babysat for Haley, Hannah and Will. We went over to great grandpas to see Bill for awhile. We got to meet Stella the cockatiel. Will was quite the daredevil putting his hand out for Stella to sit on. Haley of course was into it too, but Hannah was not too sure and didn't want too much to do with the bird. After that we went to Royal Fork for supper. The girls were wanting not "healthy" food. Haley wanted 5 cinnamon rolls but settled for one. I think they're not adjusting to eating healthy at home. That change thing is hard. Will is always giving me a hard time about something when it comes to food. Things like offering me a bite of something and after I have it in my mouth and half chewed he wants it back. Well Royal Fork was no exception. Only this time I tried to cut the meat off his chicken leg for him. He cried bloody murder. " put it back, he cried". Goofy kid.
Sunday we went to the fair. While it was fun to spend time with the whole family, the weather was horrible. It was so hot and windy that poor Hannah even collapsed at the midway. It just wasn't a pleasant day in the weather department. I've always loved the fair but next
time I'm only going if the weather is better.

Will and Kirby had a good time on the helicopters.

Scott and Hannah on a ride before she got sick.
Will taking a break in the horticulture building. It was cool in there!

Of course there are lots of cute animals who seem to be
immune to the heat and wind. I didn't get a picture of the golden retriever puppies but it would have been too easy to come home with one them as a
souvenirToday was Labor Day. Since we didn't get much accomplished all weekend we had to get it all done today. We cleaned and did laundry and went to the grocery store. All those chores that have to be done even when you don't want to. Luckily Scott and Wendy invited us over for a Labor Day picnic tonight. A nice way to end the weekend. I envy their house and having the room to have everybody over. I always think I would like to too, but we just seem so cramped here that I never do it. I think I have to get over that and just have them over anyway. The grandkids won't have any memories of going to grandma's house if I don't.
Well I think it's time to call it a night. There isn't anything good on tv so I think I'll just read a book.
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