Monday, September 15, 2008

Phantom blogger strikes

I wish I could get into the habit of blogging everyday, but it aint happening I guess. Well it was a fairly uneventful week last week. School is going fine. I went to CCHS to observe a student who might be coming to us. Sweet kid and we would do fine having her, but so medically fragile. I'm afraid that being exposed to so many germs on a daily basis would be a nightmare for her. Even the doctor doesn't want her to go, but of course money is everything and that is what will eventually determine if she comes or not. In a perfect world we would do what's best for the student not what costs the least.

Lets see! Dieting you ask? Well it's going as well as the daily blogging. BUT TODAY IS MONDAY!!! Try, try again right? Wonder if it would work better if I started on a Wednesday or something. Nah. I do know one of these times I am going to make it a whole week or more and then look out.

Amy and I went to the Farmers Market on Saturday as usual but since I didn't have to watch the kids we decided to go to Kohls and Gordmans. I needed some new after school wear and wanted to look for some new fall decorations too. Scored on both. The weather was very fallish all weekend. Rainy on Saturday and cold and windy on Sunday so I'm definitely in the mood to decorate for fall.
Sunday Amy and I again went out. We went to the parade of homes. We just went to the ones close to us on the east side here. Amy found a $300,000 house she just loves. With Cameron making more money and no child support and most of the bills paid off they have more money and would like to look for a different house. Kirby though said he's not moving, he's just staying with the house. Hope he likes the people who buy it. LOL Amy said they probably won't move until both boys are in middle school. Living across from the grade school is just too convenient.

I don't have to take Kyra to school this morning. They start later on Mondays for some reason. But I still should start to get ready anyway. Hope your week is a good one and wish me luck on the dieting front. I'll probably need it.

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