Monday, November 12, 2007

Where does the time go?

I wish I had some cool pictures for my long lost blog, but alas I've been neglect on picture taking along with blogging. Haley just informed me she has a blog now. Maybe that will be what I need to get back to blogging.
Back to school tomorrow. Where did my 4 day weekend go? Well Friday I went to the doctor in the morning. I'm not sure what I did the rest of the day. Oh I did go to Walmart with Amy later in the day, but overall it was a wasted day. Saturday I babysat Haley, Hannah and Will. Poor Will was sick so we didn't get to do anything, but hang around the house. Sunday Amy and Kyra and I went to Starbucks and Target. Nothing too exciting there. Today Steve and I worked outside and played with Grady. Later in the afternoon Amy, Kyra and I went to Hobby Lobby looked around downtown. Love Zandbros. I should do all my Christmas shopping there.
Speaking of Christmas shopping, I should write down all my ideas and just go shopping. If I set my mind to it I could probably be done in a day. Unfortunately I always try and second guess myself and end up spending way too much time shopping. Christmas should be interesting with Grady and all his shenanigans.
I'm watching dancing with the stars. I don't think there is a really good one in the group this time. It really is more of a popularity contest this time.
Hopefully I'll get back to blogging more regularly.
Goodnight all.

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